Thursday, May 12, 2016 / by Jack W. Zaborowski
New Stockton University Atlantic City Satellite Campus, plans discussed recently...
A very interesting plan was discussed recently, according to a recent Atlantic City Press article, that proposes a satellite Campus for Stockton University, in the economically challenged, but full of potential city of Atlantic City.
The 121 million dollar campus could enroll as many as 1800 students, would include classrooms and 500 student oceanfront dormitories. This project is part of a redevelopment effort, focusing on Albany Avenue. This project is expected to stoke job growth and spending in Atlantic City. With the influx of potentially 1800 students, this is no surprise. According to the article, if completed, the project would "at least triple the assessed value of now vacant land and constitute the biggest boost to the property tax-base here since Revel Casino was built" Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian said.
An ocean front college sounds like a good way to boost the economy, and morale of a struggling AC. Fresh young minds are probably just what the city needs to bring innovation to a stagnant economy. Ocean front dormitories would certainly be appealing, and may even possibly put AC on the map for America’s top college towns and campuses. All those in favor, say “Aye!”
Please click the link to read the full article: